It's not that I can't say it because I'm too proud. Well, that's part of it. But it's more that I was right!
Right about the spec that I love to play, the one that for reasons unknown caused me to start blogging. And wrong to think that a min-maxed hybrid spec designed for better soloing would be anything other than totally unpleasant. I'd rather be having my teeth cleaned, thank you very much.
The franken-spec discussed in the last post was indeed a dps powerhouse (for a priest buid, anyway). But I like to level not only by power-questing, but by instancing. Heck, I built this toon to heal, not grind, so questing -- even with a build designed specifically for that purpose -- just feels wrong. And playing that build in Nexus made me feel like I was level 50 all over again. Without a killer shield and (of course) Penance, my healing profile was almost entirely the usual suspects: Flash Heal, Greater Heal, Prayer of Mending, and Renew. Basically, I felt totally gimped. Not that the build isn't strong enough to heal (it is), but it was flat out BORING. When I first started this toon, EgoPriest was my hero. (I still love her, btw.) She wrote a post on what spec to use for leveling that I followed very closely. After making her case for various specs, she got plenty of engaged, heated responses. And more than her original recommendation (shadow for leveling, btw), it was her response to one commenter that still sticks out in my mind as the most relevant piece of advice I've ever read about this game.
The best spec is the one you enjoy playing, always.
There you have it. Meanwhile, I've gone back to deep disc, albeit with some alternate talent points that would make no sense in a raid setting (Reflective Shield, for example). I won't link the build just yet, as I'm not quite satisfied with it, but suffice to say that I'm holding the disc tree to 51 points so I can pick up Spirit Tap and Divine Fury.